Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Abandon Ship! by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

I can’t stay here any longer.
I can’t live like this.
With you.
All you do is sit there in your underwear and drink
and write dirty poems
that get rejected.
Or you sleep all day
while other men work.
You don’t like my cooking.
You don’t have to say anything,
I can tell.
And you never talk to me
You just sit there in the dark.
Drinking, and arguing with the walls.
You think I’m sleeping in the next room,
but I can hear you at all hours.
I can’t live like this.
I won’t do it any longer.

I tried to get the Rubik’s cube to work,
but the colours wouldn’t
stay together.

aren’t you going to say

I tossed the Rubik’s cube on the couch
and went to the fridge
for a beer.

More drinking,
that’s your answer for everything,
drink, drink, drink.
Well, I won’t have it anymore.
She grabbed her suitcase by the door
and slid on her sandals.
Just as the rats
of a sinking vessel
abandon ship,

I’m out of

Does that make you a rat?
I asked
pulling my head out of
the fridge
to peer around
the corner.
But she was already gone
and there was nothing
left to do


Ryan Quinn Flanagan is a Canadian-born author residing in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada with his wife and many bears that rifle through his garbage.  His work can be found both in print and online in such places as: Evergreen Review, The New York Quarterly, The Rye Whiskey Review, Outlaw Poetry Network, Horror Sleaze Trash, The Dope Fiend Daily and In Between Hangovers.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Boxing With Life by Mendes Biondo

the dear ol’ bukowski was right
stay down
let things go
drink a sip of your own blood

the dude with oiled muscles beat shit out of you
the dude with the red gloves is called life from the folk
that fucking folk claiming his name
it’s life man
it’s an hard motherfucker to face

the dude with those fancy colored boxers will dance
around your body
so stay down
till the gong does not sing its heavenly song
till the hang over is not high into your head

the dear ol’ bukowski found the way to stay sane
you can become a killer
or a rapist
or something really bad
if you don’t stay down
when life hits you with red gloves

most of the time is because of your job
but it could be also friends
or women
or people censoring your works
or folk calling life
while your face is a fucking pollock painting
and you’re trying to stay on your feet

the footlocker will save the situation
you said once
but that bastard is there watching you
and licking his lips every time a sip of blood
of your one
that’s quite obvious
come out from your face like the squirt
of a smashed orange

so stay down
let things go
and open a new bottle of wine
it’s not the key to solve your problems
but it works
while you’re looking for the final gong

Mendes Biondo is an Italian journalist and author. His works appeared on Visual Verse, I Am Not A Silent Poet, Literary Yard, Angela Topping Hygge Feature,  Indigent A La Carte, The BeZine, Scrittura Magazine, The Song Is, Poetry Pasta and other magazines. He is one of the editors of The Ramingo's Porch along with Marc Pietrzykowski and Catfish McDaris. His first book Spaghetti and Meatballs : Poems For Hot Organs,  Is published by Piski's Porch  and available through Amazon.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Do You Ever. By Helen Doogan

Do you ever feel
Life is no longer for you
When everything that’s black
used to be blue
When everything that was light
has turned so dark
that night became expected
while waiting for a spark
Like a piece of trash
walking one hundred feet
caught beneath another’s heel
crushed beneath their thundering beat
Like a waste of space
equally taking up room
while others could possibly
only assume,
that it’s you
only you could ever feel
what is so disturbed
that you sit alone
along the curb
Waiting for a chance to go by
Catching all the worlds deep sighs
Asking if reality should feel
All along, holding fake as real
Do you ever feel
like there’s no one there
No one to stroke your hair
No one to kiss you, to hold your hand
No one to understand
Do you ever feel like you should hide
No one should see what’s going on inside
Do you ever feel the need to hide?

 Helen Doogan

Is a true wine enthusiast and a Australian based poet who's work has been published in.
The Rye Whiskey Review,  The Dope Fiend Daily , it can also be read at Hello Poetry.